Recreation Department It is the responsibility of the recreation department to positively improve the quality of life for community members by providing for management and control of recreation programs Goals
- Maintain the current recreation programs as efficiently as possible within the scope of financial and staff constraints
- Increase community relations through extensive publicity of recreation programs and services
Increase the number of volunteer persons assisting in recreation programs to offset the deficiencies in staffing and budget.
Community Center Recreation:
Organize sporting events and event coordination
Location:1705 Anchor Avenue
Phone:(559) 626-4488 ext. 228
Hours: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Youth Hours: After school – 6:00 PM
Type of recreational sports: Basketball, Baseball & Girls’ Volleyball for ages K – 8.
Community Center Rental Information: The Community Center is available for special events. Please contact City Hall for date availability and/or more information
Hours: 8:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (559) 626-4488, ext. 211
Application for facility use: Orange Cove Community Center Facility Use Application